Agendas, Minutes and Recordings
Meetings of Council are generally held on the second and last Tuesday of each month.
Regular, Special and Committee of Council meeting AGENDA and MINUTES can be viewed on the Council Calendar.
Agendas are prepared for all Council and Committee meetings and are posted on the Black River-Matheson civic webpage at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting.
The Municipality's goal is to provide the most current information on agenda items as they move their way through the approval process. Stay informed on the topics and issues addressed by Council.
You can read the agenda and corresponding minutes for the current meeting and from previous years to see how Council supports the operation of the municipality. Follow this link for access to our document center.
Minutes of Council meetings are released as part of the next meeting agenda. They are posted in the Council Calendar after they are approved.
Contact Us
367 Fourth Ave.
P.O. Box 601
Matheson, ON P0K 1N0
Phone: (705) 273-2313
Fax: (705) 273-2140
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