By-Law Enforcement and Policies
Phone: (705) 273-2313 Ext 318
Fax: (705) 273-2140
The Township of Black River-Matheson maintains a registry of by-laws that are created as a way to address issues and concerns of the community. They are created to protect the environment, public health, safety and to maintain a pleasant community for everyone.
The by-law documents provided below are for convenience or reference only and may not contain amendments or attachments.
To obtain an official version of a by-law or a copy of a by-law that is not listed here, click here to be taken to our full directory OR alternatively you can contact the Clerk's Office by email or call 705-273-2313.
PDF Downloadable By-Laws
Policy For Staff To Review Municipal Resources For Elections V2
By-Law Enforcement
The municipal compliance officer is responsible for the investigation and enforcement of our municipal by-laws. If you have questions or concerns related to by-laws or other enforcement issues, please contact the municipal compliance officer by email.
Contact Us
367 Fourth Ave.
P.O. Box 601
Matheson, ON P0K 1N0
Phone: (705) 273-2313
Fax: (705) 273-2140
Send an Email
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