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Integrity Commissioner

The Township of Black River-Matheson adopted a Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards. The Code of Conduct applies to all members of Council, including the Mayor, all Township committees, local boards and agencies.

What is a code of conduct?

A Code of Conduct outlines the rules, roles, and responsibilities of the members to promote accountability and transparency in Township governance.

These roles and responsibilities are outlined for:

·         business relations

·         conduct at meetings

·         conduct of a political nature

·         conduct respecting staff

·         conduct respecting and representing the Township

·         protection of confidential information

·         discreditable conduct

·         employment of relatives

·         failure to follow Council policies and procedures

·         receipt of gifts and benefits

·         and use of Township property.

Why does the Township of Black River – Matheson have a Code of Conduct Policy?

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to establish a general standard to ensure that all members share a common basis for acceptable conduct, and which all members are expected to follow.

What is the Integrity Commissioner's Role?

An Integrity Commissioner is an independent resource who reports to council and who is responsible for performing the functions assigned by the Township with respect to:

  1.      The application of the code of conduct for members of council and the code of conduct for members of local boards.
  2.       The application of any procedures, rules and policies of the municipality and local boards governing the ethical behaviour of members of council and of local boards.
  3.       The application of sections 5, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act to members of council and of local boards.
  4.       Requests from members of council and of local boards for advice respecting their obligations under the code of conduct applicable to the member.
  5.       Requests from members of council and of local boards for advice respecting their obligations under a procedure, rule or policy of the municipality or of the local board, as the case may be, governing the ethical behaviour of members.
  6.       Requests from members of council and of local boards for advice respecting their obligations under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
  7.       The provision of educational information to members of council, members of local boards, the municipality and the public about the municipality’s codes of conduct for members of council and members of local boards and about the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2017.

Who is the Township of Black River – Matheson's Integrity Commissioner?

The Township of Black River – Matheson has appointed Charles A. Harnick, as its Integrity Commissioner.

All inquiries should be sent to, the preferred method of contact.
Alternatively, the phone number is (416) 362-8555 or Toll Free: 1-800-856-5154

To make a formal complaint, please fill out the Application for Request for Investigation or the Application for Inquiry - Conflict of Interest.

Formal Complaint Forms

Application for Request for Investigation - Code of Conduct

Application for Inquiry - Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest Registry

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires municipalities to maintain a registry of all declarations made under this Act. The registry must include the original written declaration provided by the members of Council and must be available to the public.

The original documents are available for the public's inspection in the Township office, any time between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Complaint Protocol

Integrity Commissioner Protocol [2021-57]

Code of Conduct Policy for Council and Board [2006-38]

Code of Conduct Policy for Employees [2021-68]

Council - Staff Relations Policy [2022-56]

Accountability and Transparency Policy [2007-61]


What if I Can’t Fill Out a Form, can I send a Complaint Letter?

If you can’t fill out the above forms, you can still communicate with the Integrity Commissioner. The information below must be provided in respect to each type of complaint.

Request for Investigation - Code of Conduct:

a) The Requestor’s name and contact information.

b) What happened - a description of the events or situation.

c) When it happened - dates and times of the events or incidents.

d) Where it happened - the location(s) where the events or incidents occurred.

e) Who saw it happen - the names of witnesses, if any.

Inquiry - Conflict of Interest:

a) Applicant’s name

b) Contact information

c) Statutory declaration attesting to the fact that the Applicant became aware of the contravention not more than six weeks before the date of the application or,

d) In the case where the Applicant became aware of the alleged contravention during the period of time beyond six weeks, a statutory declaration attesting to the fact that the Applicant became aware of the alleged contravention during that period of time.

What if I Want to Make a Complaint About Accountability and Transparency?

If you would like to make a complaint under the Accountability and Transparency policy, please see our Ombudsmen page:


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